Computer Fundamental: Generation of Computer

Generation of Computer First Generation of Computers The first generation used vacuum tube technology and were built between 1946 and 1959. Vacuum tubes were expensive and produced a lot of heat, which made these computers very expensive and only affordable to large organizations. Machine language was the programming language used for these computers, and they could not multitask. The ENIAC was the first electronic general-purpose computer that used 18,000 vacuum tubes and was built in 1943 for war-related calculations. Examples of the first generation include EDVAC, IBM-650, IBM-701, Manchester Mark 1, Mark 2, etc. Here are two of the main advantages of first-generation: The first generation was tough to hack and was quite strong. The first generation could perform calculations quickly, in just one-thousandth of a second. Here are two of the main disadvantages of first-generation: They consumed high amounts of energy/electricity. They were not portable due to their weight and siz...